10 Android Apps at SXSW

10 Android Apps at SXSW

1. Thread

Thread aims to answer the "Which Mary is it?" or sometimes, "Who did I ever meet named Chester?" when a caller's name pops up in your smartphone display. It's kind of like a Rapportive for your phone.
Download on Android

2. Augment

For most, furniture is a rare and expensive purchase, which means you'll teeter between options and possibly never buy because you're "just not sure" it's the right one. Augment aims to help you make this decision with its augmented reality app, which will show you what a couch will look like in your house. Pretty nifty.
Download on Android, iOS

3. GroupMe

GroupMe allows people to send text messages within groups and at this year's SXSW, launched two new features: sending money and sharing photos. Other apps such as Venmo have offered something similar which goes to show how much easier managing money can be when it's digital.
Download on Android, iOS

4. Jifiti

Have you ever wanted to exchange physical items when talking with a friend far away over Skype? Well, you can't teleport that burrito quite yet, but you can purchase a gift for a friend as if you're in the store together.
Download on Android, iOS

5. Memoto

Google Glass's price tag might be outside your reach, but soon you could use a key feature with Memoto, a wearable device that snaps a picture every 30 seconds. The companion app will organize photos for you.
Android and iOS apps will be available when the device ships in April.

6. Zumper

Zumper is a new apartment search tool that connects landlords with tenants via a map. The app is location aware and all listings come directly from brokers.

7. Plympton

Plympton publishes serialized fiction. You can subscribe to read each installment via email on your mobile device, or you can buy novels through Amazon and read them in the free Kindle app.
Download through Kindle on Android, iOS

9. Docphin

Medical professionals spend much of their time with patients rather than behind a computer. This app will provide the information they need on a mobile device. It's sort of like a news reader for the medical field.
Download on Android, iOS
